















Under the University of Arizona IP & Entrepreneurship Clinic and in cooperation
with the United States Patent & Trademark Office

The Arizona Public Patent Program is a statewide program offered by the Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship Clinic of the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, with the assistance of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).   It is a program designed to help financially under-resourced independent inventors, startup companies and small businesses obtain free services from local patent agents and attorneys in filing patent applications before the USPTO and in protecting their inventions.  

Launched by the USPTO in 2011, the Patent Pro Bono Program is currently offered in all 50 states.  Regional program hubs and administrators attempt to match inventors and small businesses who qualify based upon income threshold, residency and other requirements with local patent agents or attorneys licensed to practice before the USPTO.  The Arizona Public Patent Program is the hub and coordinates services for inventors and small businesses throughout the State of Arizona.

DISCLAIMER:  The Arizona Public Patent Program does not provide legal advice, and its services are limited to screening applicants for eligibility (possibly including the performance of prior art searches) and attempting to refer applicants to volunteer agents or attorneys for evaluation and possible representation.  Acceptance into the Arizona Public Patent Program and attempting to refer applicants to agents or attorneys is completely at the discretion of the Arizona Public Patent Program.