Volunteer Attorneys

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Arizona Public Patent Program at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. The Arizona Public Patent Program and the success of Arizona's entrepreneurial community rely on the talents and generosity of experienced patent attorneys who are willing to offer their services pro bono for those clients who could otherwise not afford access.

The Arizona Public Patent Program refers clients to volunteer attorneys for specific matters such as filing patent applications.  To help the Arizona Patent Program match investors with volunteer attorneys or agents, please fill out the following application.

Volunteer Attorney Application

If you agree to take a pro bono case, we will contact the client and give them your name and number. The client will contact you directly. Upon the completion of the matter, you will send a pro bono report to us. Any out-of-pocket expenses are the responsibility of the client. Due to the cost, the Arizona Public Patent Program cannot provide malpractice insurance coverage for volunteer attorneys. However, your own insurance should cover your pro bono work. Check with your carrier to make sure that your insurance covers your pro bono work. Arizona Public Patent Program requires all its volunteer attorneys to be covered by legal malpractice insurance.

Volunteer Pro Bono Report